At least the debug firmware must have debugging support enabled, in order for App Store Team to automatically test and manually debug applications on the device

To verify debugging support on the device, use method below. If some other method is used for triggering Dragonfly debug on an Vewd Core3.x device, please pass this information to App Store Moderation Team.

For Vewd Core 3.x:

Preconditions: A PC with the latest Opera 12 version, connected to same subnet as the device.

  1. Open Dragonfly on the PC by pressing Ctrl + Shift + I, press the Remote debug configuration button, enter desired port number and press Apply
  2. Open opera:debug on the device, enter the PC's IP and port number set in step 1, and press Connect
  3. On the PC type window.location.href = "" in the Dragonfly Console
  4. Check the Documents tab in Dragonfly

Expected results:

For Vewd Core 4.x:

Preconditions: A PC with the latest Opera version, connected to same subnet as the device, debug enabled on the device (default method: starting Opera with the --remote-debugging-port=port_number parameter

  1. Open a page on the device
  2. Open http://device_ip:port_number on the PC
  3. Click on the available debuggable view

Expected results:


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